General News
This Week in LACS 9/5/2023
It is September, Labor Day has come and gone, and it feels like Fall outside. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. News on College Name- Updated The Dean notified all faculty and staff that the new name will now have the ampersand after Humanities and the word “and” between “Earth” and “Social Sciences.” So […]
This Week in LACS 8/28/2023
Welcome to the second week of the semester. I hope you had a chance to get some rest over the weekend. News on College Name The Dean notified chairs on Friday that of the two remaining approved name choices for our new college he will recommend “College of Humanities, Earth & Social Sciences” to the […]
This Week in LACS 8/21/2023
Welcome to the Fall 2023 Semester! I am excited to begin this academic year with you and look forward to working together as we move forward. I am so pleased to send the inaugural “This Week in LACS”! Please bear with me as this is a very long one, since it is the first. Important […]
Our Department Recognized with National Ranking
Issues in Higher Education has placed the Department of Languages and Culture Studies at UNC Charlotte among the top schools for graduating undergraduate African American students. Ranked as number two, this recognition is a testament to our commitment to student engagement. Additionally, our graduate programs stand out in the region for promoting student engagement. According […]
International Education Week
The International Education Week at UNC Charlotte will feature movies, painting, food, culture, history and, of course, languages. Please see the following link for a detailed schedule of all the varied events across campus from November 14 through November 18. Read more here
Facebook for Languages and Culture Studies
The Department of Languages and Culture Studies has a Facebook Page. This is a great place to see upcoming events or just check in with the community. Follow now to keep up with the latest news!
New: Chinese and Japanese Placement Tests
The Department of Languages and Culture Studies is pleased to announce new offerings for the Language Placement Test. Students of Chinese and Japanese can now register for the Placement Test either in-person or online. Placement is useful for finding out the best next course level for any individual wishing to study a language. It also […]
Talk UNC Charlotte
This presentation is based on Janzen’s recent book Unholy Trinity: State, Church and Film in Mexico, which argues that the sustained use of religious imagery is a way that Mexican films communicate social and political commentary to their audiences in a simple straightforward way. She gives an overview of how films from the Golden Age […]
Virtual Information Session – MA in Spanish & LACS Graduate Certificates (French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish)
Prospective applicants are invited to join an online information session to learn more about the following graduate programs: -Master’s Degree in Spanish -Graduate Certificate in Business Language (German, Spanish) -Graduate Certificate in Translating (French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish) -Graduate Certificate in Translation and Interpreting Studies (English-Spanish) Graduate Program Director at the Department of Languages and […]
Spanish Honors Society Award
LACS Professor of Spanish, Dr. Michael Doyle was inducted into the order of Don Quixote, the top International Award of the Hispanic Honors Society Sigma Delta Pi. Read More