This Week in LACS 9/18/2023

Happy Monday, I hope you have had a relaxing weekend.
Dates and Events this Week
Monday, September 18
- 11:15-12:30 pm, Constitution and Citizenship Day, Lucas Room
- 3:00-5:00 pm, Navigating Graduate School as a BIPOC and/or Queer Person, COED 065
Tuesday, September 19
- 3:30-5:00 pm, (Atkins 125): Brainstorming workshop for Digital Humanities Working Group, RSVP
Wednesday, September 20
- 1:00-4:00 pm, in Cameron 125, Writing Resources Center Open House
Friday, September 22
- Deadline to apply for December Graduation
- 2:30-3:30 pm, Department Workshop: Google Drive Refresher Training, RSVP
- 4:00-6:00 pm, Teaching Excellence Award Ceremony
- Ifest is back!
Looking Ahead
September 15-October 15, Hispanic Heritage Month
September 25, 9:00-10:00 am, Getting Started with ChatGPT Register
September 27, due date for application for position of Associate Dean in the Honors College
September 29,
- Department Workshop: New Self-Service Banner (RSVP)
- due date for CFP Collaboration in Action: Engaged Scholarship and Student Impact Symposium
October 4, Study Abroad Fair
October 6, CHESS All Faculty Townhall Zoom Meeting
October 9, due date for application for Inclusive Excellence Grants
October 13, due date for CFP for International Education Week
October 9-15, Niner Nation Week
October 20, due date for RFP for Aliaga-Buchenau Witness in Residence proposals
October 24, due date to register for Collaboration in Action: Engaged Scholarship and Student Impact Symposium
October 28, due date FRG Proposals (submit via Niner Research)
November 6, due date Reassignment of Duties/Junior Faculty Development Award files
November 7-8, Engaged Scholarship and Student Impact Symposium, Student Union
November 13-17, 2023 International Education Week
November 14, 12:00-1:00 pm, Brown Bag: Imagining Latinidad: Digital diasporas and community building among Latin American migrants -by David Dalton Fretwell 290B or Zoom link
November 17, 3:00-5:00 pm, JBusiness Forum
December 15, due date for applications for Summer Institute on Translation & Global Literacy
Congratulations to David García León, who published the co-authored article “Ideologías raciolingüísticas en Colombia: Análisis discursivo y racial de la representación del bilingüismo en las políticas lingüísticas y en la prensa” in Hispania 106(3): 411-435.
Congratulations to Chris Mellinger who co-presented “Does Cognition Translate?: A Simulation Study of Psychometric Properties across Languages” at the 2nd Meeting of the Bertinoro Translation Society, at the University of Murcia in Cabo de Palos, Spain on June 20, 2023.
Kudos also to Chris Mellinger who co-presented “Setting and Leveraging International Standards for Court Interpreting” at the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators Conference in Las Vegas, NV, on June 2, 2023.
Congratulations to Chris Mellinger for giving two invited presentations: “Translation and Revision at the Technological Wordface: Emerging Configurations and Challenges” at the Faculty of Translation and Documentation at the University of Salamanca in Spain on May 17, 2023 and “Trends in Translator Training and Education in the English-speaking World” at Fudan University, China presented online on April 26/27, 2023.
Congratulations to Sandra Watts for being elected member-at-large for the CHESS Bylaws Committee.
Kudos also to Sandra Watts for giving a webinar for the University of North Carolina System Learning and Technology Webinar Series titled “Supporting the Success of All Students: Lessons from the Student Experience Project.”
Congratulations again to Susana Cisneros who was honored at the 25th Excelente Awards as Higher Education Teacher of the Year. She was celebrated by colleagues from our department and beyond at UNC Charlotte, as well as members of the Latino/a/x community of Charlotte.
Announcements & Updates
Changed Chair’s Office Hours
Due to the permanent time slot for the CAPC meetings on Wednesdays 12:15-1:15 pm, the new office hours for the chair on Wednesdays are moved to 2:0-4:00 pm. The chair’s office hours moving forward will be: T 2-4, W 2-4, R, 11-1.
CHESS Updates
The Dean search committe has been constituted and will begin work this week. Faculty Council Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaw Revisions is formed. Members are Amal Khouri (Global Studies), Oscar Lansen (History), John Szmer (Political Science), Oscar de la Torre (Africana Studies), Sandra Watts (Language and Culture Studies). The committee’s work will be completed by the end of the fall semester. CHESS Logos and Department Logos can be found here. Do not use “CLAS” anywhere.
Health and Wellness
Message from Academic Affairs: “To prevent the spread of disease on campus, you are asked to accommodate students who report to you that they are ill, responding compassionately and allowing them to make up missed classwork to the extent possible. As a reminder, you are not expected to switch your class delivery modality to accommodate absences. As a reminder, anyone who is diagnosed with COVID-19 is still asked to follow an isolation period of at least five days.” Read the Provost Troyer’s Full Message.
Make-up Exams – Room Reservations
Please go to our department Canvas site and click on LACS Calendar & Make-up Exams to access information on how to reserve COED 424 for proctoring exams.
Charlotte Core
The Charlotte Core contains important information about the core competencies. The new Charlotte Core General Education Curriculum eliminates the written and oral communication course requirement for new students admitted this semester (Fall 2023). This requirement also will not be reinforced for students admitted prior to Fall 2023 who are under the 2017 general education program. DegreeWorks has been updated to reflect this change. The writing and oral communication course requirement should no longer appear in the General Education block in DegreeWorks for any student.
Upcoming Opportunities
- Friday, September 22, 2:30-3:30 pm. Department Workshop: Google Drive Refresher Training: how to find files on LCS drive, COED 434 and Zoom. Please RSVP.
- Coming soon: Department Workshop New Banner Self-Service Training, Friday, September 29, 2:30-3:30 pm, COED 434 and Zoom. Please RSVP.
- Please see here for workshops on AI.
Summer Institute on Translation & Global Literacy
Iowa State will host the “Summer Institute for Translation & Global Literacy across the Undergraduate Curriculum” June 5-9, 2024. Our own, Chris Mellinger, is one of the hosting faculty members. Applications are required by December 15. Most expenses will be paid.
Seed Grant
The Women+Girls Research Alliance, a unit of urbanCORE, UNC Charlotte’s hub for engaged scholarship, offers 2023-2024 Seed Grant Funding ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 for community-engaged research projects related to mental health and wellness, economic security/mobility, and equity in the Charlotte metropolitan area. Please see the RFP and submit a proposal by October 23.
International Education Week
The Office of International Programs (OIP) invites students, faculty and staff to submit globally focused events that will occur during International Education Week (IEW), November 13-17. Faculty and staff are encouraged to apply for up to $250 in supplemental funds. Please apply via the CFP.
Position Open: Associate Dean in the Honors College
UNC Charlotte faculty members can apply for the position of associate dean in the Honors College. The associate dean reports directly to the dean and is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the Honors College, including the curriculum and co-curricular experiences in the University Honors Program, the curricular and programmatic relationship between UHP and department/college honors programs, the development and assessment of department/college honors programs and overseeing Honors College course scheduling, advising, programming, staff and budgeting. The position will begin July 1, 2024. Please see the description and application for Associate Dean in the Honors College.
Inclusive Excellence Grants
Our Inclusive Excellence Grants (formerly known as the Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund) is a funding opportunity to support innovative University-level activities, events, or projects that have the potential to enhance diversity, promote equity, and foster inclusion throughout UNC Charlotte and our surrounding communities. Projects selected for funding are restricted to a maximum award amount of up to $10,000. Please find here the application materials.
Symposium on Engaged Scholarship
Collaboration in Action: Engaged Scholarship and Student Impact Symposium invites proposals for poster sessions, roundtable discussions, and workshops to be held on November 7 and 8, 2023. Proposals should address at least one of the symposium’s five tracks: Student impact, Policy and practice, Data, Community, or Experiential learning. Please see the CFP here.
Student Feature
Spanish Minor, Mariah Manley, is featured in a Niner Insider article for obtaining a position as research intern for Public Schools First NC in Summer 2023. Much of her work over the eight-week internship went toward helping the organization educate the public on the value of public schools and bring awareness of current issues in public education. Manley put to use her Spanish language skills at her internship translating the organization’s newsletters into Spanish in order to reach a broader audience.
All the best,
Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau