Faculty by Field of Study


Ryan Augustyniak
Francophone Studies Advisor & Assistant Teaching Professor of French
Mebane Hall 463
Michèle Bissière
Professor of French
Mebane Hall 424B
Carlos M. Coria-Sánchez
Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 423
Daniela Cunico Dal Pra
Teaching Professor, Interim Director of Film Studies & Coordinator of Italian
Mebane Hall 451
David Dalton
Associate Professor of Spanish & Director of Latin American Studies
Mebane Hall 441
Philip Kaffen
Associate Professor of Japanese
Mebane Hall 455
Anton Pujol
Associate Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 456
Kai-Uwe Werbeck
Associate Chair and Associate Professor of German
Mebane Hall 439


Fang-yi Chao
Assistant Teaching Professor of Chinese
Mebane Hall 412
Javier García León
Assistant Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 458
Concepción Godev
Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 408
Olga Padilla-Falto
Teaching Professor of Spanish & Coordinator of Elementary Spanish
Mebane Hall 460

Language for Specific Purposes

Enika Banerjee
Senior Lecturer of Japanese
Mebane Hall 403B
Fang-yi Chao
Assistant Teaching Professor of Chinese
Mebane Hall 412
Susana Cisneros
Senior Lecturer of Spanish
Mebane Hall 445
Carlos M. Coria-Sánchez
Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 423
Daniela Cunico Dal Pra
Teaching Professor, Interim Director of Film Studies & Coordinator of Italian
Mebane Hall 451
Paloma Fernández Sánchez
Teaching Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 459A
Angela Jakeway
Senior Lecturer & Coordinator of German
Mebane Hall 450
Maria Mahaffey
Senior Lecturer of Spanish
Mebane Hall 459C
Christopher Mellinger
Graduate Director and Associate Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 461
Bianca Potrykus
Senior Lecturer of German
Mebane Hall 459D
Anton Pujol
Associate Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 456
Shaun Stone
Lecturer of Spanish
Mebane Hall 403A


Ana-Isabel Aliaga-Buchenau
Department Chair, Professor of German & Comparative Literature
Mebane Hall 435
Ryan Augustyniak
Francophone Studies Advisor & Assistant Teaching Professor of French
Mebane Hall 463
José Manuel Batista
Associate Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 405
Michèle Bissière
Professor of French
Mebane Hall 424B
David Boyd
Associate Professor of Japanese
Mebane Hall 410
Carlos M. Coria-Sánchez
Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 423
David Dalton
Associate Professor of Spanish & Director of Latin American Studies
Mebane Hall 441
Paloma Fernández Sánchez
Teaching Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 459A
Susanne Gomoluch
Teaching Professor of German
Mebane Hall 452
Philip Kaffen
Associate Professor of Japanese
Mebane Hall 455
Mary LaMarca
Teaching Professor of French
Mebane Hall 404
Maryrica Ortiz Lottman
Associate Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 457
Anton Pujol
Associate Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 456
Allison Stedman
Professor & Coordinator of French & Francophone Studies
Mebane Hall 416
Sandra Watts
Teaching Professor
Mebane Hall 449
Kai-Uwe Werbeck
Associate Chair and Associate Professor of German
Mebane Hall 439

Translation and Interpreting

Ana-Isabel Aliaga-Buchenau
Department Chair, Professor of German & Comparative Literature
Mebane Hall 435
Jordan Bledsoe
Lecturer of Japanese
Mebane Hall 466
David Boyd
Associate Professor of Japanese
Mebane Hall 410
Concepción Godev
Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 408
Susanne Gomoluch
Teaching Professor of German
Mebane Hall 452
Philip Kaffen
Associate Professor of Japanese
Mebane Hall 455
Jeffrey A. Killman
Associate Professor & Coordinator of Spanish
Mebane Hall 462
Mary LaMarca
Teaching Professor of French
Mebane Hall 404
Christopher Mellinger
Graduate Director and Associate Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 461
Anton Pujol
Associate Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 456
Mónica Rodríguez-Castro
Associate Professor of Spanish
Allison Stedman
Professor & Coordinator of French & Francophone Studies
Mebane Hall 416