This Week in LACs 10/9/2023

I hope you have had a good weekend. Welcome to Week 8 of the Fall semester.
Dates and Events this Week
Monday, October 9,
- due date Inclusive Excellence Grants
- Health Insurance Open Enrollment Period opens (ends October 27)
- 2:00 – 3:00 pm Active Learning Workshop
Tuesday, October 10, 10:00-10:45 am (Zoom), CHESS Dean Search Listening
Session with search firm
Wednesday, October 11,
- 1:00-2:00 pm Virtual Workshop: Proposal Development Overview. RSVP here
- 2:00-3:00 pm Reducing grading time with Gradescope. Register
Friday, October 13,
- 9:00 am Health Insurance Open Enrollment virtual info session
- 12:00 pm Unsatisfactory Midterm Grades due
- due date CFP for International Education Week
- due date Interest for Racial Equity Workshop
- due date, Nominations for Phi Beta Delta international honor society
- NTT Reappointment and Promotion Workshop CHESS, email
Sunday, October 15, 5:00 pm Inaugural Phi Beta Kappa Lecture, “Selective Forces
Shaping the Evolution of Intelligence” McKnight Hall
Looking Ahead
October 16, 12:30-1:30 pm – Unafraid of Uncertainty: Talk by Alum Raymone Byrd,
ATKINS Area 49, Inclusive Programming Series sponsored by LACS and Atkins
October 20, due date for RFP for Aliaga-Buchenau Witness in Residence proposals
October 24,
- due date applications for Peer Leaders and Perceptors for your Classroom
- due date to register for Collaboration in Action: Engaged Scholarship and
Student Impact Symposium
November 1,
- Deadline OEA Spring Break Faculty led Programs applications
- Deadline to apply for SECOLAS Conference, Asheville April 3-6, 2024 CFP
November 2, 4:00-5:30 pm Rani Singh (Head of Harry Smith Archive), Presentation,
Rowe 130
November 3,
- due date FRG Proposals (submit via Niner Research)
- 2:30-4:00 pm Department Meeting
- 9:00 am-3:00 pm Graduate Faculty mentor training session
November 6, due date Reassignment of Duties/Junior Faculty Development Award
November 7-8, Engaged Scholarship and Student Impact Symposium, Student Union
November 10, due date for nominations for First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal and the
Harshini de Silva Graduate Mentor Award
November 13-17, International Education Week
November 14, 12:00-1:00 pm. Brown Bag: Imagining Latinidad: Digital diasporas and
community building among Latin American migrants – by David Dalton, Fretwell
290B or Zoom link
November 16, due date Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence and UNC
Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence online nomination form
November 17, 3:00-5:00 pm JBusiness Forum
December 7, 10:30-12:00 pm Department Meeting, 12:00-2:00 pm Potluck
December 15,
- 3:00 pm Fall Commencement ceremony
- applications for Summer Institute on Translation & Global Literacy
Congratulations to Allison Stedman for submitting a proposal to the Renaissance Society of America (RSA) for the Paul Oskar Kristeller Fellowship. “Imagining and Forgetting: The Mind-Body Connection in Early Modern France (1530-1770)”. $2000.00, October 13, 2023.
Congratulations to Chris Mellinger for giving the invited presentation “Artificial Intelligence in Interpretation and Translation: Promises and Limitations” to the Language Services Program of the Supreme Court of Ohio on February 17, 2023. Kudos also to Chris Mellinger for giving the invited presentation “El acceso al sistema sanitario a través de la traducción y la interpretación: Desafíos y oportunidades” as well as “Translation as History in the Caribbean: Competing Perspectives” at Fairfield University on February 27, 2023.
Kudos to Ryan Augustyniak whose course FREN 3220: Introduction to the Francophone World was approved for LEADS certification.
Congratulations to Enika Banerjee, Susana Cisneros, Chikako Mori, Kazue Shamburg and Yukiko Yokono for presenting at FLANC this past weekend. Special congratulations to Susana Cisneros who was elected FLANC Institute of Higher Education Representative.

Congratulations also to Bobby Hobgood, who has presented at FLANC every single year since 1993. This year marked his 30th appearance presenting at FLANC. Thank you for your dedication to the profession, Bobby.

Announcements & Updates
Nomination for Graduate Mentor Award
The Graduate School is seeking nominations for the First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal and the Harshini de Silva Graduate Mentor Award.
Retirement Plans Update
The 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act contains significant changes to employer-provided retirement plans. More information and a message from the UNC System can be found on the human resources website.
DEI Professional Development
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion has launched new, voluntary learning opportunities this fall that offer faculty, staff and students forums for discussion and exchanging ideas on a variety of topics.
Annual Legal Symposium
Annual Legal Symposium will take place on Thursday, October 26 in the SAC salons. RSVP using this form.
Workshop – Getting Started with Active Teaching and Learning
This workshop provides an introduction to active teaching and an active learning framework that can be used to move toward active learning engagement and strategies in your classroom. Monday, October 9, 2:00pm, Zoom.
Virtual Workshop: Proposal Development Overview
An overview of the key things to know about preparing a proposal for external funding, including timelines, requirements, key University policies, budget considerations, etc. Wednesday, October 11th at 1 pm, RSVP here
Webinar – Reducing grading time with Gradescope
Gradescope is a feedback and assessment tool that dramatically reduces the pain and time associated with grading exams, homework, and other assignments. Increasing numbers of faculty at UNC Charlotte have been utilizing this tool for the last three years. Wed, Oct 11, 2023 | 2pm to 3pm. Register
Peer Leaders and Perceptors for your Classroom
The Office of Undergraduate Education is pleased to announce its spring 2024 faculty application for funding to hire peer leaders, including preceptors. Please review this website to learn more about three different categories of peer leaders and to determine the potential best fit for your respective class. You may apply for funding here as well. The application is due no later than October 24, 2023. Please let me know if you have any questions.
All the best,