This Week in LACS 10/30/2023

I hope you enjoyed the lovely weather and made it well through this very short week. We have exciting events coming up for next week.
Dates and Events this Week
Monday, October 30,
- Registration for Spring begins
- Wellbeing Townhall, Full time, non-tenure track faculty at 7:00-8:00pm, (Zoom Link)
- German Campus Week Food for your Ears 10/30-11/3
- A Rapper’s Journey with live performance by Spax, 6:00pm, Cone After Hours
Tuesday, October 31,
- Invitation to Faculty and Students – Guest Speaker John Cox in ITLN 1502 is presenting “Let’s Talk about Palestine”, CHHS 109, 8:30am
- Flu and Covid Vaccine Clinic, SAC Food Court
- German Campus Week Food for your Ears
- Hip Hop & Rap in German Film: Screening “We Almost Lost Bochum” 4:00-6:00 pm, Student Union Theater
Wednesday, November 1,
- Deadline OEA Spring Break Faculty led Programs applications
- Deadline to apply for SECOLAS Conference, Asheville, April 3:00-6:00 pm, 2024 CFP
- Wellbeing Townhall, Tenure track faculty, untenured, at 7:00-8:00 pm, (Zoom Link)
Thursday, November 2,
- 11:30am-1:30 pm Niner Research Reception RSVP to
- 2:00-4:00 pm. DIA DE LOS MUERTOS Celebration, Student Union 267
- 4:00-5:30 pm. Rani Singh (Head of Harry Smith Archive), Presentation,
Rowe 130 - Day 1 of Financial Literacy Symposium, please contact Brad Yeckley
- CTL Getting Started with ChatGPT Workshop, 3:00-4:00 pm. Register
- Wellbeing Townhall, Part time/adjunct, non-tenure track faculty at 6:00-7:00 pm, (Zoom Link)
- Wellbeing Townhall, Tenure track faculty, tenured, at 7:30-8:30 pm, (Zoom Link)
Friday November 3,
- Day 2 of Financial Literacy Symposium, please contact Brad Yeckley
- due date FRG Proposals (submit via Niner Research)
- 2:30-4:00 pm Department Meeting
- 9:00 am-3:00 pm. Graduate Faculty mentor training session
- due date for nominations for the Harshini de Silva Graduate Mentor Award
- German Campus Week Food for your Ears
- Rap & Hip Hop Workshop, Atkins Library Area 49, 10:00 am-5:00 pm
Looking Ahead
November 6,
- due date Reassignment of Duties & Junior Faculty Development Award please email all applications to
November 7,
- Witness in Residence Presentation, Robert Robinson “Affordable Housing” 4:30pm Fretwell 113. Register.
- Engaged Scholarship and Student Impact Symposium, Student Union (pre-registration was required)
November 8
- DEI Ted Talk: “Disrupting and Rebuilding: Humanizing Approaches to Mental Healthcare” 5:30 pm in McKnight Hall. Register
November 9,
- First Session of Faculty Learning Community-Community Engagement
November 10,
- due date for nominations for First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal
November 13-17,
November 14,
- 12:00-1:00 pm. Brown Bag: Imagining Latinidad: Digital diasporas and community building among Latin American migrants – by David Dalton, Fretwell 290B or Zoom link
November 16,
- due date Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence and UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence online nomination form
November 17,
- 3:00-5:00 pm. JBusiness Forum
- Nominate a faculty or staff member for the Dubois Award for Accessibility Improvement
December 7,
- 10:30 am-12:00 pm. Department Meeting, 12:00-2:00 pm. Potluck.
December 15,
- 3:00 pm. Fall Commencement ceremony
- applications for Summer Institute on Translation & Global Literacy
December 19,
- Zoom Phone Migration
January 12, 2024
- Nomination for Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professorship in Teaching
- Nomination for Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
Congratulations to Chris Mellinger for being asked to serve on the CHESS Research advisory Committee (RAC) by Interim Associate Dean Beth Whitaker. The RAC will provide a regular venue to discuss research support and challenges and communicate faculty concerns to the College and the Division of Research.
Congratulations to Susana Cisneros for the Shoutout she received in Inside UNC Charlotte with the article “More than Just a Train Ride.” Read about Susana Cisneros’ Light Rail project and her path here.
Announcements & Updates
CHESS Updates
Based on information the search firm received from CHESS and others, the search committee has completed the college profile and the associated articulation of desired characteristics sought in the new dean. You can view the Job Description on the search website. Please share this widely with your networks, and we encourage you to submit nominations directly to the search firm at
URGENT Request
Please go to the Textbook Adoption website and make sure you have either indicated that you are using textbooks or even if you do not need any textbooks, have indicated that you will not use any on the website.
Appointment of Provost, Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of Research
Interim Provost Jennifer Troyer was appointed Provost as of November 1. In addition, John Daniels and Deb Thomas were appointed Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of the Research Division. Please find more information on Jennifer Troyer, John Daniels and Deb Thomas here.
Appointment of Joe Joff to Charlotte International Cabinet
Joseph Hoff, director of the Office of Global Education and Engagement within the Office of International Programs, has been appointed to a three-year term as an at-large member of the Charlotte International Cabinet.
Opportunity for Faculty – Interactive Learning Community
Join faculty from across institutions, disciplines, and varying levels of community engagement expertise to participate in an interactive learning community. Drawing on Welch and Plaxton-Moore’s The Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning (2019), the six Faculty Learning Community meetings will foster faculty learning about integrating community-engaged principles, practices, and pedagogies into their work. Participants in this interactive learning community will leave with a draft community-engaged course syllabus or course proposal, pedagogical resources, and a plan for course implementation. Please find more information and register here. The first session is on November 9.
Opportunity for Faculty – Critical Languages 2024 StarTalk Program
The program June 2- July 12 will provide opportunity for experienced Arabic, Chinese,
Korean, Persian, and Russian language educators to focus on building
their ability to a) advance their knowledge and skills in implementing
their language program, b) design effective learning plans for their
students, c) measure students’ learning and teachers’ professional
growth through social-emotional learning practices. Register for free.
Invitation to Witness in Residence Event

Robert Robinson is a human rights activist who connects local experiences to global concerns. His drive to organize has grown out of personal experience, and he has dedicated his life to advancing the notion that every person has a human right to safe and affordable housing. Robinson works with social movements around the world, including the Movement of People affected by Dams and the Landless Worker’s Movement in Brazil; the Street Medicine Institute in India; and the Shackdweller’s movement (Abahlali baseMjondolo) in South Africa. In the United States, Robinson is a member of the Campaign to Restore National Housing Rights, which is a policy and research organization supported by the National Economic and Social Rights Initiative. He is also a member of the Land and Housing Action Group of the Take Back the Land national movement and a member of the US Human Rights Network.
Formal Student Complaint Log
Please see information about the Formal Student Complaint Log here.
urbanCore at UNC Charlotte
urbanCore’s mission is to establish a centralized structure, with dedicated staff,
to coordinate and support the University’s community engagement efforts and assess collective impact. urbanCore seeks to fulfill our role as North Carolina’s urban research university to benefit our city, region and beyond by co-producing transformative solutions to societal issues and challenges. Please read more about the urbanCore mission and faculty deliverables here.
General Education Update
Please see more information on the General Education changes here.
DEI TED Talk – Invitation
November TED Talk featuring Dr. Sonyia Richardson, Assistant Professor of Social Work and Director of the Race and Social Equity Academy. She will give a talk entitled “Disrupting and Rebuilding: Humanizing Approaches to Mental Healthcare” on November 8, 5:30pm in McKnight Hall. Register.

For Information about the Zoom Phones please see the slide deck and a web recording of the Town Hall sessions.
Training Dates in Fall 2023 Register
- Wednesday, December 13, 2023; 9:00 am.
- Thursday, December 14, 2023; 1:00 pm.
- Tuesday, December 19, 2023; 1:00 pm.
- Wednesday, December 20, 2023; 9:00 am.
- Thursday, December 21, 2023; 1:00 pm.
More Spring Semester Training Dates are being offered.
Student Achievements
Congratulations to PhD candidate Aleksandra Adler (Stockholm University) who nailed her doctoral dissertation to the wall during the Spikning ceremony on October 27, 2023, ahead of her doctoral defense. Her thesis, titled “Cognitive Load in Dialogue Interpreting: Experience and Directionality” is co-supervised by Elisabet Tiselius, Birgitta Englund-Dimitrova, and Chris Mellinger.

Congratulations to Japanese students Brennan Knight, Johanna Marcial Velazquez, Gladiz De la Rosa Ceballos, Khang Pham, and Mytien Hoang who presented their work at the NC Japanese Language Student Conference held at Wake Forest University on Saturday, October 28th, 2023. They presented their high-quality projects from Upper Intermediate Japanese I (JAPN 3201 with Professor Mori) and Upper Intermediate Japanese II (JAPN 3202 with Professor Shamburg) in Spring 2023. Congratulations to Professors Mori and Shamburg for mentoring these students and thank you to them and Yukie Okada for attending the conference to support the students.

Thank you
Thank you to Ton Pujol and Lorena Delgadillo for representing all of us at Open House on October 28. We appreciate your service especially on a Saturday morning. Thank you to Associate Chair Kai Werbeck for organizing our departmental representation at these kinds of events.

All the best,
Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau