Grade Appeals

Students in the Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation who feel they have received unfair or improper grade should

  • contact the instructor against whom their grievance is directed
  • request an appointment with this instructor
  • if the student feels that the meeting with the instructor was unsatisfactory, they may request an appointment with the instructor’s direct supervisor
    • in the case of a Spanish first-year course, the student should make an appointment to see the Spanish First-Year Coordinator
    • in the case of all other courses, the student should make an appointment with the Associate Chair. This request must be made within two weeks after the meeting or the attempt to meet with the instructor
  • the student must present proof to either the First-Year Spanish Coordinator or the Associate Chair that the meeting with the instructor actually took place or that an attempt to meet with them was made
  • before meeting with the instructor’s supervisor, the student will describe in a formal letter the object of their appeal and the result of their attempt to resolve the grade appeal with the instructor directly
  • the Spanish First-Year Coordinator may decide to refer the grade appeal to the Associate Chair
  • The Associate Chair will make a decision based on the University Grade Appeal Policy (found here) within ten days and notify the student
  • Should the student not be satisfied and continue an appeal it will be routed to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

For the University’s Grade Appeal Process, see: University Policy 410.