
This Week in LACS 10/25/2023
I hope you enjoyed the lovely weather this Fall Break. Chair Schedule this Week W-F working remotely (all office hours and meetings virtual) Dates and Events this Week Monday & Tuesday, October 23-24 Tuesday, October 24, Wednesday, October 25, Thursday, October 26, Friday, October, 27, Looking Ahead October 30, October 31, November 1, November 2, […]

This Week in LACS 10/16/2023
I hope you have had a good weekend. Chair Schedule this WeekTraveling Monday and Tuesday Monday -Research Day Tuesday- working remotely office Hours moved to Friday 11:15 am -12:30 pm and 3:00-4:00 pm (f2f and virtual) Dates and Events this Week Monday, October 16, Thursday, October 19 Friday, October 20, October 23-24 October 24, October […]

This Week in LACs 10/9/2023
I hope you have had a good weekend. Welcome to Week 8 of the Fall semester. Dates and Events this Week Monday, October 9, Tuesday, October 10, 10:00-10:45 am (Zoom), CHESS Dean Search ListeningSession with search firm Wednesday, October 11, Friday, October 13, Sunday, October 15, 5:00 pm Inaugural Phi Beta Kappa Lecture, “Selective ForcesShaping […]

This Week in LACS 10/2/2023
I hope you have had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the weather. Dates and Events this Week Monday, October 2, Deadline OEA Spring Affiliate Programs applications Tuesday, October 3, Banner Self-Service Virtual Training 9:00-10:30 am (Zoom link) Wednesday, October 4, Thursday, October 5, Friday, October 6, Looking Ahead October 7, due date Submission of Course […]

This Week in LACS 9/25/2023
Happy Monday, I hope you have had a relaxing weekend. Dates and Events this Week Monday, September 25, 9:00-10:00 am, Getting Started with ChatGPT Register Wednesday, September 27, Friday, September 29, Looking Ahead October 1, Deadline OEA Spring Affiliate Programs applications October 2, Banner Self-Service Virtual Training 9:00-10:30 am (Zoom link) October 4, October 5, […]

This Week in LACS 9/18/2023
Happy Monday, I hope you have had a relaxing weekend. Dates and Events this Week Monday, September 18 Tuesday, September 19 Wednesday, September 20 Friday, September 22 Saturday, September 23 Looking Ahead September 15-October 15, Hispanic Heritage Month September 25, 9:00-10:00 am, Getting Started with ChatGPT Register September 27, due date for application for position […]

This week in LACS 9/11/2023
Happy Monday, I hope you have had a relaxing weekend. Dates and Events this Week Looking Ahead Brown Bag: Imagining Latinidad: Digital diasporas and community building among Latin American migrants -by David Dalton Congratulations Congratulations to Jeff Killman who was invited for a plenary “Sitios web de franquicias norteamericanas de comida rápida en España: ¿Traducciones […]

This Week in LACS 9/5/2023
It is September, Labor Day has come and gone, and it feels like Fall outside. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. News on College Name- Updated The Dean notified all faculty and staff that the new name will now have the ampersand after Humanities and the word “and” between “Earth” and “Social Sciences.” So […]

This Week in LACS 8/28/2023
Welcome to the second week of the semester. I hope you had a chance to get some rest over the weekend. News on College Name The Dean notified chairs on Friday that of the two remaining approved name choices for our new college he will recommend “College of Humanities, Earth & Social Sciences” to the […]

This Week in LACS 8/21/2023
Welcome to the Fall 2023 Semester! I am excited to begin this academic year with you and look forward to working together as we move forward. I am so pleased to send the inaugural “This Week in LACS”! Please bear with me as this is a very long one, since it is the first. Important […]