Repeat Course Override for Language Majors

Repeat Course Overrides are necessary if you want to take a course that you have previously taken.

Who can Request a Repeat Course Override with the form below?

What courses may be repeated?

  • You may only register for a course if credit has already been earned for that course, if the course description in the University catalog indicates it “may be repeated for credit”.
  • This applies to credit earned at UNC Charlotte or transferred from other Institutions.
  • The registration error message, “Repeated Course”, prevents students from registering for that specific course without a “REPEAT” override.
  • This override will ONLY handle the “Repeated Course” registration error message, however; additional overrides may be needed if other error messages are received.

Requesting a repeat override

  1. If your Major is in a languages in our department, contact the Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation to request a repeat override. If your major is not in a language in our department, please contact your home department instead for information on the process they use for repeating courses.
  2. If you have established you are a major in our department, register for your class ONLY IF the repeat override is approved.

A Grade Replacement Request is a separate process

  1. After registering for the course, if you do NOT want your new grade to automatically replace the old, you must take action by going to Banner Self-Service and opting out of the grade replacement option.
  2. At the end of the term, if credit is earned for the class, students are subject to the Repeating Courses policy in the University Catalog. The “REPEAT” override does not impact this policy.