This Week in LANG 2/24/2025

Dear colleagues,  Congratulations to all of us for making it through last week. We had a successful Heritage Language Symposium and SEACS conference in spite of the inclement weather closings. Unfortunately, the Poetry Slam had to be postponed. A new date will be announced soon. Both the Symposium and SEACS were a huge success and […]

This Week in LACS 2/19/2024

Dates and Events this Week This Month is Black History Month.  February 19 February 20 February 22 February 23 Looking Ahead Dates and Events February 27 March 1 March 2 March 8 March 13 March 15 March 18 March 29 April 2 April 12 April 19 April 30 May 1 May 15 Congratulations & Thank […]