Language Placement & Course Exemption Spanish

The charts below guide students on Spanish placement and course exemption.

The first chart helps you decide between the Language Placement Test or the CLEP Test.

The second chart helps you determine whether you qualify for Certification of Proficiency.

ALL STUDENTS* either take the Language Placement Test or the CLEP Test:*Students who have transfer, AP or IB credits in Spanish do not need the Placement Test/CLEP Test. They are placed based on their transcript.
Who?What it DOES for you:
Language Placement Test Students who want to be exempt from Spanish courses and Students who are looking for the quickest way to be placed at the correct level Spanish Places you into the correct level (1000-3000) It DOES NOT grant you credit for courses you place out of
CLEP TestStudents who want to be exempt from Spanish courses and seek college credit for exempted coursesPlaces you into the correct level (1000-3000) and grants you college credit on your transcript for the courses you place out of Possible CLEP credit:
SPAN 1101, 1102, 2201, 2202
CERTAIN STUDENTS may qualify for more exemptions:
 Who? What it DOES for you:
Certification of Proficiency Students who place at the highest level in the Language Placement Test or CLEP Test in Spanish and do not wish to take Spanish courses and have native or near-native command of Spanish Can grant exemption from 3000-level language requirements ONLY for non-Spanish Majors or MinorsIt DOES NOT grant you credit for courses you place out of
If you have questions:
Contact Spanish Advisors