Professional Language Internships

Professional Language Internships in French, German, Japanese, or Spanish are field and/or research experiences in cooperating businesses or community organizations. These professional language internships are supervised by a faculty member in French, German, Japanese, or Spanish in the Department of Languages and Culture Studies. The internships enable selected students to apply their skills in foreign language and culture to a real-world setting. The professional internships represent an exchange between the University and the greater Charlotte community which is encouraged in the hope and belief that interaction and cooperation between the two will result in benefits for the student, the community, and the University.
- The content of the internships will be identified in a contractual agreement between the student, the department, and the cooperating business/organization
- The amount of academic credit to be awarded (1-6 semester credit hours, 3 credit hours=8 work or work-related hours per week, spread over 1-5 days) is determined by the total number of hours of field experience indicated in the contract
- 6 credit hours for internships may be applied to the major or minor in German or Japanese
- Internships in French and Spanish are offered on a Pass/No Credit basis only, and therefore they do not count toward the major or minor. However, French and Spanish students may receive elective credit for such course
- All language internships will have a non-academic component supervised by personnel at the site location, and a related academic component supervised by a French, German, Japanese, or Spanish faculty member in the Department of Languages and Culture Studies
- To register for a Professional Internship in French, German, Japanese, or Spanish, a student must prepare a proposal specifying the non-academic setting in which the experience will take place, the supervisor overseeing this activity at the site, the faculty member who has agreed to direct the related academic component, the number of work hours and of credit hours to be awarded, and a description of the work activity for both the academic and the non-academic components.
- All proposals for a Professional Internship in French, German, Japanese, or Spanish must be submitted by the student intern via a faculty sponsor for prior approval by the Department of Languages and Culture Studies
Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Language Internships

The partnership between UNC Charlotte and Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) has created internship positions for advanced language volunteers, students in the Department of Languages and Culture Studies (Language Interns) who intern as additional face to face conversation coaches in CMS’ K-8 Immersion and 6-12 World Language classrooms. These Language Interns are non-education majors who are interested in using their language skills in a professional setting serving as language models for CMS students.
- The Language Interns will provide 120 hours of conversation coaching and targeted small group support in the CMS World Language classes over the course of 16 weeks
- Language Interns and their Internship Instructors will complete the CMS Volunteer process to become Level 2 Volunteers: Supervised Access without Driving
- Language Interns will maintain documentation logs to provide as evidence to their University Instructors, the CMS teachers that they are supporting, the CMS principals of the schools where the Interns have been placed, and the CMS World Languages Curriculum Specialist
- The University Internship Instructors will visit their assigned Language Interns twice during the semester
- The amount of academic credit to be awarded (1-6 semester credit hours) is determined by the total number of hours served in the school (120 hours per semester=8 hours per week=3 credit hours
- 6 credit hours for internships may be applied to the major or minor in German or Japanese
- Internships in French and Spanish are offered on a Pass/No Credit basis only, and therefore they do not count toward the major or minor. However, French and Spanish students may receive elective credit for such courses
- To register for a Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Language Internship in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, or Spanish, a student must contact the internship coordinator of the Department of Languages and Culture Studies, and after selection for the internship complete the Internship Form to be approved by the Chair of the Department
For questions and inquiries regarding both types of internships, contact internship coordinator Jillian Mourning Wegner.