Honors Program in Languages

The Honors Program in the Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation provides a unique opportunity to majors and minors in any of its language and culture disciplines to conduct field research through study abroad or applied internships. After taking a course that prepares you to do and write up research, students will have the opportunity to share their findings either through an honors project or thesis. This is the highest distinction that the department bestows on its majors and minors; honors in Languages, Cultures and Translation is an excellent preparation for graduate school, and it is a great addition to student resumes.
Requirements for Admission to the Languages, Cultures and Translation Honors program
- 3.0 Overall GPA
- Completed the 2201 course level in their language of choice with a grade of B or higher
- Permission of the Honors Director, Allison Stedman
Requirements for Graduating with Departmental Honors
- Complete the application to Candidacy through the Honors College, including the thesis/project proposal and the layperson summary.
- Complete LACS 3700 with a grade of A or a grade of B with approval of the Honors Director.
- Complete a study abroad or program through the Office of Education Abroad or a program-approved internship and/or experiential learning opportunity of at least 3 credit hours (LACS 4410).
- Complete LACS 4700 with a grade of A to receive Honors. Students earning a lower grade can still earn elective credit.
- Maintain an overall GPA in the LACS major or minor of at least 3.5.
LACS 3700: Research Methods helps students identify a topic, conduct preliminary research on the topic, and elaborate a project or thesis proposal that must be approved by the Honors Committee. This class is writing intensive. All project and thesis proposals will contain: an abstract presenting a research question, a literature review, the research design (procedure for collecting evidence), and a statement of the significance of the project.
LACS 4700: Honors Project guides a student in the final preparation of the project, which may be a traditional written thesis or may take the form of a portfolio containing a variety of elements: translations, videos, power points, photos, reflections. All projects/theses must have clearly delineated written conclusions and be presented in a public forum such as: The Charlotte Research Symposium, The Global Scholars Symposium, or a departmental forum.
Seniors Graduating Fall 2024
December 5th, 2024 (Reading Day) – Last day to turn in honors thesis/proposal grades for Fall 2024 graduation with honors. Please schedule defense meetings accordingly. Students must submit page 2 of the Application to Candidacy form with an abstract of the thesis/project to the Honors College Office.
Seniors Graduating Spring 2025
December 5th, 2024 (Reading Day) – Deadline to turn in page 1 of the Application to Candidacy form, along with the proposal and layperson summary to complete honors thesis/project in Spring 2023. The form, proposal, and layperson summary are due, filled out and with signatures, to the Honors College Office.
May 1st, 2025 (Reading Day) – Last day to turn in honors thesis/proposal grades for Spring 2025 graduation with honors. Please schedule defense meetings accordingly. Students must submit page 2 of the Application to Candidacy form with an abstract of the thesis/project to the Honors College Office.
Seniors Graduating Fall 2025
May 1st, 2025 (Reading Day) – Deadline to turn in page 1 of the Application to Candidacy form, along with the proposal and layperson summary to complete honors thesis/project in Fall 2025. The form, proposal, and layperson summary are due, filled out and with signatures, to the Honors College Office.
December 3rd, 2025 (Reading Day) – Last day to turn in honors thesis/proposal grades for Fall 2025 graduation with honors. Please schedule defense meetings accordingly. Students must submit page 2 of the Application to Candidacy form with an abstract of the thesis/project to the Honors College Office.
For more information, contact the Honors College.