Mary LaMarca

Mary LaMarca

Teaching Professor of French
Mebane Hall 404

Major & Minor Advisor French
Coordinator of Undergraduate Certificate of Translating French-English
Coordinator of Undergraduate Certificate in Business French
Director of Graduate Certificate in French Translating

Spring 2025 Office Hours:
In Person Only: Tuesday 4-6PM and by appointment

Mary A. LaMarca is Teaching Professor of French and the French major/minor adviser, as well as the French Club faculty adviser. She earned her PhD from Duke University, and focuses on theater and politics, particularly during the Occupation, as well as Translation, French for Business, and Francophone Literature and Cultures.


Ph.D. French Literature, Duke University. (2008)

M.A. French Literature, New York University. (2001)

B.A. French, Indiana University. (1997)

B.A. German and English, Indiana University. (1993)


Teaching Professor in French. 2024-present

Associate Teaching Professor in French. 2021-2024

Lecturer in French. 2014-2021

French Club Faculty adviser. 2014-present

French Adviser. 2016-present

French Coordinator. 2016-2019

Specific Research Interests

Theater and politics

Occupied France

Francophone Cultures and Literature


Translation (French English)

Business French
