Martha Miller

Martha Miller
Ph.D. Washington University (1972), M.A. University of Wisconsin, Madison (1967), B.A., Smith College (1965) Spanish Twentieth-century Spanish literature, especially poetry, Literature in its political and social context, Music and song lyrics in the Spanish-speaking world In the Heideggerian Tradition: Acontecimiento by Concha García.” Forthcoming in Studies in Twentieth- and Twenty-first Century Literature.|“Gloria Fuertes’s Counterhegemonic Dialogism: A Response to El Nacionalcatolicismo.” In Her Words: Critical Studies on Gloria Fuentes. Ed. Margaret H. Persin. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2011. 185-206.|“Perro de poeta.” Rumoroso cauce: Nuevas lecturas sobre Claudio Rodríguez. Ed. Philip W. Silver. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2010.|“Writing One’s Life: Budapeste by Chico Buarque.” Eutomia: Revista Online de Literatura e Lingüística 2.2: 130-142. 2009.|“Childhood, Gender, and Religion in the Poetry of Claudio Rodríguez: A Dialogic Response to Francoist Discourse.” Hispania 91.2 (May 2008): 343-352.|AP Spanish Literature: Teacher’s Guide. Co-authored with Norma Guice. New York: College Board, 2007. 131 pp.|