Javier García León

Javier García León

Assistant Professor of Spanish
Mebane Hall 458

Spring 2025 Office Hours:
In Person Tuesday 2:15-3:15PM or by appt., Online Monday 9-10AM or by appointment

Dr. Javier García León is an Assistant Professor of Spanish Linguistics at the Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation. He is associate editor of the Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics and has been conducting interdisciplinary research in language, power, and representation. He has worked on Languages in Contact (Spanish and Creole Languages in the Caribbean) and on Linguistic Attitudes and Policies (Colombia). He also works on Critical Discourse Analysis, Queer Linguistics, and Latin American (LGBTQI+) Cultural and Media Studies. In particular, he examines the representation of transgender people in Latin American newspapers and audiovisual journalism of the last decades. At UNC Charlotte, Javier teaches courses on Spanish sociopragmatics, critical discourse analysis, and advanced grammar and composition.


– Ph.D. in Spanish, University of Ottawa.
– M.A. in Linguistics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
– B. Ed. and Humanities, specialization in Spanish and English, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Colombia).


Assistant Professor of Spanish Linguistics, UNC Charlotte, 2019-present

Specific Research Interests

-Queer Linguistics.
-(Decolonial) Critical Discourse Analysis.
-Languages in contact.
-(LGBTIQ+) Latin American Cultural and Media Studies.
-Second Language Teaching.

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