Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau

Ana-Isabel Aliaga-Buchenau

Department Chair, Professor of German & Comparative Literature
Mebane Hall 435

Chair of the Department of Languages and Culture Studies

Spring 2025 Office Hours:
Both In Person & Online: Tuesday 10AM-12PM and Wednesday 1-3PM, Online Thursday 3-5PM

Appointments via my Appointment Schedule

Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau is Professor of German. Currently she is serving as Chair of the Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation. She was awarded the prestigious Bank of America Teaching Award in 2021 and the Board of Governors’ Excellence in Teaching Award in 2022. She was a nominee for the Carnegie/Case Professor of the Year in 2011 and from 2009-2012 she was honored with the Bonnie E. Cone Teaching Professorship at UNC Charlotte. A native of Germany, Buchenau’s training is in comparative literature. She has served as Professor of German at Charlotte. Her outreach work with the German community of the greater Charlotte region has resulted annually in approximately thirty scholarships of $2500 each for German majors to study abroad in Germany. In her research, Buchenau focuses on 19th century immigrants from Germany and their literary production. In particular, she is interested in women immigrants to the Americas. She also works on the translation of memoirs and novels from Spanish to English or German to English. Her research enhances her teaching expertise. She teaches upper level German classes as well as translation classes and has previously taught Spanish, French and General Education classes.


Ph.D. Comparative Literature, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (1997)

Staatsexamen, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany (1993)

M.A. Comparative Literature, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1991)

Zwischenprüfung (B.A. equivalent) Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany (1989)


Chair, Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation, UNC Charlotte, 2023-present

Professor of German and Comparative Literature, UNC Charlotte, 2020-present.

Associate Chair, Department of Languages, Cultures and Translation, UNC Charlotte, 2014-2023

Associate Professor of German and Comparative Literature, UNC Charlotte, 2006-present.

Assistant Professor of German and Comparative Literature, UNC Charlotte, 2002-06.

Visiting Assistant Professor of English and German, Davidson College, 2000-02.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Honors, University of Southern Mississippi, 1997-99.

Specific Research Interests

Women in literature
German literature in the nineteenth century
Translation (German English, Spanish->English)

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