Emily Francis Talk: Belonging Story
Make Your Comebacks Stronger Than Your Setbacks: El camino se hace al andar

Come hear alumna Emily Francis reflect on her experiences as a first generation Latina at UNC Charlotte. While the road is not paved equally for all, Emily’s path reminds us that perseverance is a superpower.
What is your dream?
After arriving in the U.S. from Guatemala with a 6th grade education and limited English skills, Emily encountered a series of obstacles before earning a B.A. Spanish and M.A.T. English as a Second Language. Now a high school English as a Second language teacher, Emily helps others navigate barriers and find their own paths.
Despite a series of setbacks, Emily achieved her childhood dream of becoming a teacher. Now a member of the Carolinas TESOL board, she has been a special guest on The Ellen Show, was elected Teacher of the Year in 2016, and serves as teacher liaison to the Carrabus County Board of Education. We are thrilled to welcome her back to share her own journey with all of us in the UNC Charlotte community.
Emily, we are honored to have you back!
Our bilingual speaker may use a combination of English and Spanish. Questions in both languages are welcome.
Date: September 26 11:15-12:00
Location: Fretwell 126 and/or Zoom (link sent after registration)
For more information contact:
Sandra Watts at swatts2@charlotte.edu or
Paloma Fernández Sánchez pfernan2@charlotte.edu
Sponsored by the Department of Languages and Culture Studies
with the support of the Center for Teaching and Learning