This Week in LANG 1/27/2025

In this Edition: **Chair Office Hours: T 3-5, W 3-5, R 3-5, Campus Visit by Candidate 1 and Candidate 2 , Small Grants Deadline this Friday**
Dates and Events this Week
Friday, January 31
- Deadline to apply for CHESS Small Grants program, see below
Looking Ahead Dates and Events Spring 2025
February 2-4
- Campus Interview 3
February 5
- Submit Publications and Awards for CY 2024 here: on this form
February 7
- Early Alerts due at 12 pm
- Department Meeting 2:30-3:30 pm, LRC
- Search Feedback/Listening Session 3:30-4:15, LRC
February 20
- Poetry Slam
February 20-21
- Heritage Language Learning Symposium
February 21-22
- SEACS Conference
March 14
- Department Meeting
April 11
- Save the Date for possible Department Meeting
May 1
- Reading Day, Department Meeting and End of Year Potluck
Congratulations to Anton Pujol for co-editing ‘The Rise of the Far Right in Spain and Portugal’: A new chapter in Iberian politics?” International Journal of Iberian Studies, vol. 37, September 2024 and for the publication of “Introduction: ‘The Rise of the Far Right in Spain and Portugal’: A new chapter in Iberian politics?” International Journal of Iberian Studies, vol. 37, 2024, p. 199 -213, as well as “Interview with Paco Bezerra. Mueroporque no muero or Francoism strikes back.” International Journal of Iberian Studies, vol. 37, 2024, p. 271-279.
Congratulations to Javier García León for being elected by the members of The International Gender and Language Association to serve on the Advisory Council for a 3-year period.
Information for Faculty and Staff
Early Alerts
Early alerts are due for all 1000 and 2000-level courses by noon, Friday, Feb. 7. Learn more about early alerts in this week’s news digest.
(Second round deadline: January 31, 2025): This program facilitates the completion or enhancement of ongoing research projects. Full-time faculty can apply to receive up to $1,500 for eligible expenses not supported by other funding sources. For information see here.
American Studies and Film Studies positions
The Interdisciplinary Studies program is hiring for two positions. One for the Director of American Studies and one for the Director of Film Studies. If you have any questions about the positions, please contact Mary Jo McGowan, Executive Director, Office of Interdisciplinary Studies,
For the Director of American studies position, interested candidates should submit a cover letter describing their qualifications, administrative experience, and vision for the American Studies Program; a CV; and the contact information of three references to Dr. Karyn Williamson-Coria kwill235@charlotte.eduin the Interdisciplinary Studies Program.
For full consideration, applications must be received by February 5, 2025.
For the Director of Film Studies position, interested candidates should submit a cover letter describing their qualifications, administrative experience, and vision for the Film Studies Program; a CV; and the contact information of three references to Dr. Karyn Williamson-Coria in the Interdisciplinary Studies Program. For full consideration, applications must be received by February 5, 2025.
International Women’s Day Celebration
The Office of International Programs is accepting nominations for the International Women’s Day celebration. This is an opportunity to highlight a UNC Charlotte community member who identifies as a woman and has positively contributed to global efforts.
49er ID Reminder
If you set up your 49er mobile ID on a new mobile device, your physical card, if you have one, will no longer be a valid, working credential. You must use your mobile ID.
Dean’s Office Hours
The Dean will hold online office hours for faculty and staff who would like to discuss general thoughts or concerns about CHESS. These will be one-hour Zoom sessions with no agenda that you can log into and share your thoughts and observations in an informal discussion. This semester’s office hours will take place on Monday, Jan 27, 4:00-5:00, Tuesday, Feb. 18, 3:00-4:00, and Monday, March 24, 3:00-4:00. Join via Zoom.
Faculty / Staff Achievement Recognition: Call for Publications, Honors
The Dean’s Office is preparing for the 2025 Faculty and Staff Achievement Recognition Reception on Thursday, March 13, at 4 p.m. This year, in addition to Teaching Awards, there will be several administrative service awards for faculty and staff, which will be organized in collaboration with our Chairs. Please use this form to report accomplishments for calendar year 2024 (One item per box please; there will be an opportunity to submit again at the end). There will be a separate process for submitting service awards. Please submit publications and other accomplishments on this form by Wednesday, February 5.
CHESS Grants 101 Webinar Series
In collaboration with the Center for Research Excellence in the Division of Research, we are offering a series of webinars for faculty who are curious about applying for external funding and want to learn more about the process at UNC Charlotte. The webinars are open to faculty and staff at all levels, and are geared toward those who do not already have a lot of grant experience. Additional information and a registration link for each session can be found on the CHESS Research website.
Funding Opportunities in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Wednesday, February 26 (11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.)
Niner Research Training
Wednesday, March 26 (11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.)
Preparing Grant Budgets
Wednesday, April 23 (11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.)
Upcoming Events
For more information, please visit the website.
Poetry Slam
Yukko Yokono, Susana Cisneros, Don Cross, Maria Mahaffey and Xiaohong Hu Mueller invite you to the 8th Multi-Language Poetry Slam
Date & Time: Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7:00–9:00 pm
Location: Fretwell 100
Submission Deadline: Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 11:59 pm
SEACS 2025 February 21-22
Please join us for SEACS 2025 on Friday afternoon, February 21 and all day Saturday, February 22. For more information, visit
Thank you for all you do.
All the best,