This Week in LANG 11/12/2024

In this Edition: **Chair Office Hours: T 10-12 f2f and virtual, T 3-5 f2f and virtual, F 11-1 virtual, Personally Speaking, SEACS Proposal Deadline, Migration Talk, International Education Week LANG Events!**
Dear colleagues,
I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend. I would like to let you know that the CAPC is working diligently on creating the updated Annual Evaluation Guidelines. As soon as we have a draft, we will share it with you to get your feedback via comments. In the meantime, please mark your calendars for November 22 in the afternoon for two listening sessions: 2:30-3:30 pm for NTT faculty members and 4:00-5:00 pm for TT faculty members (both meetings are virtual and will be hosted in my Zoom).
Dates and Events this Week
November 11
- Veterans’ Day, no classes
November 14
- Personally Speaking: Personally Speaking: “Immigration and Mass Incarceration: Another American Tradition”, 4:00 to 6:30 pm, J. Murrey Atkins Library, Halton Room; Learn More; Registration link to come.
Looking Ahead Dates and Events Fall 2024
November 18
- Deadline to submit proposals for SEACS: SEACS 2025 Paper and Panel Proposal Form
November 19
- Migration Research Network Brown Bag presentation by David Dalton 12:30-1:30 pm. Center City,
November 18-22
- International Education Week, submit proposals: via OIP website
- November 18, Film Screening by Nihon Club (see below)
November 22
- 3:30-5:00 pm, JBusiness Forum
- 2:30-3:30 pm, Listening Session, CAPC and Chair for NTT faculty members (Annual Evaluation Guidelines)
- 4:00-5:00 pm, Listening Session, CAPC and Chair for TT faculty members (Annual Evaluation Guidelines)
November 25
- Nominations due for the Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence (tenured faculty) and the UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence (non-tenure track faculty) Complete the online nomination form
November 27-28
- Thanksgiving Break
December 3
- Dean’s Celebration of Commencement, 11:30 to 1:30 pm; Popp Martin Student Union, Norm’s Game Room
December 4
- Last Day of classes
December 5
- Reading Day, Department Meeting, Retirement Celebration for Carol
December 13
- Commencement
December 16
- Grades due
Congratulations to Bobby Hobgood who was the keynote speaker at the West Virginia Foreign Language Teachers Association Annual Conference held in Lewisburg, West Virginia. Here he is participating in a Q and A session on Friday focused on “Hot Topics in Foreign Language Education.” On Saturday, he offered a half-day workshop entitled, “Feedback Practices that Feed Backward, Forward, and Up.” The session was informed by a forthcoming book chapter in The Handbook of Research in World Language Instruction.
Thank you to Aura Lawson-Alonso for sharing wonderful news about the experiences of our students in Costa Rica this past summer.
“Hola a todos, I just wanted to share this news with you about one of our on-site partners in Costa Rica. Don Danilo Layan Gabb is a member of the Bribri community and was one of our guides this year during the Caribbean excursion. He has been selected for an international award for his work with local indigenous communities, including having established a radio station and keeping local traditions alive. Here’s an article with a video:
It took years to find the right partners with these local connections. The students unanimously said this cultural experience was the highlight of the whole month. Most ‘ticos’ never get to visit this indigenous reserve and have little knowledge of the communities in their own country. We got to spend one night in traditional lodging (quite rustic), traveled in canoes across the Sixaola River to Panama (about 10 min.), visited a cacao farm, sat inside a ‘casa cónica’ and listened to creation stories in Bribri with Spanish translation, met Don Danilo’s mother (she made bread for us), tried our hand at grinding corn with a traditional stone mill, and generally ‘convivir’ with Don Danilo and other folks from the community. It was educational and, dare I say, fun. Here’s a group photo in front of the casa cónica”
Important Information for Faculty and Staff
Upcoming Events
Migration Research Network Brown Bag presentation by David Dalton 12:30-1:30 pm. Center City,
Save the Date for the Dean’s Celebration of Commencement
The CHESS Deans’ Office is hosting a casual and playful celebration for the December 2024 Commencement candidates. Please let your students know to look for an invitation, and plan to come take keepsake photographs for them and for your website. It’s a great way to begin building your alumni relationships! Students who complete the Next Destination Survey, to help the Career Center understand student activities beyond commencement, will be entered into a drawing for a diploma frame. Tuesday, Dec. 3; 11:30 to 1:30 pm; Popp Martin Student Union, Norm’s Game Room. Watch for more information.
International Education Week – Nihon Club: Film Screening
SEACS 2025
Use this form to submit a paper or panel proposal: SEACS 2025 Paper and Panel Proposal Form. For more information, visit or email I encourage everyone to submit a proposal and also to work with graduate and advanced undergraduate students to submit a proposal.
The College is seeking brief proposals to bring individuals to campus, who work on issues of social relevance and/or human rights, for the Witness in Residence Initiative. “Witnesses” are asked to share their stories about the issue, based on personal experience, and will be financially sponsored by the Dean’s Office, such as in this sample. The host department will provide stewardship and coordinate with the witness to engage students in discussion about the topic. The process of submitting an idea is short and sweet. It is also an opportunity for the Department to highlight its programming to the University and greater Charlotte communities.
Anyone can submit! Your suggestions for Spring 2025 are requested by November 30 for an residency tentatively scheduled for the week of 4/14. However, you are encouraged to submit whenever you encounter an interesting candidate and all themes are invited. For the Spring we are especially interested in a theme that is global and/or within the social/environmental sciences, to balance the recent local/humanities perspective. Please also send ideas for next fall.
Thank you for all you do.
All the best,