This Week in LANG 11/4/2024

In this Edition: **Chair Office Hours this Week: T 10-12 in person and virtual, W 12:45-2:45 virtual, Thursday 2-4 in person and virtual, Workload submitted, Carol’s Retirement Party**
Dear colleagues,
I hope you had a good weekend. I am so happy to report that I sent our approved Department Workload Policy LANG Workload Policy 11/1/2024 to the Dean’s office today. It is a testament to the fabulous work of the CAPC and your diligent attention to this matter that we were able to pass this policy unanimously. I am very proud of our department.
We will handle the Annual Evaluation Guidelines in the same way. The first listening session will be November 22 in the afternoon (invitations to come). The second listening session will come after Thanksgiving. And we will try to pass these guidelines on January 10, 2025.
I would like to invite you to Carol’s Retirement Party on December 5, 12:00-2:00 pm in the Alumni Center. Lunch will be provided. If you wish, please bring a dessert. We will hold our Department Meeting in the Alumni Center 10:30 am -12:00 pm, just before.
Note: If you see a link at the bottom of this email which says “Read Full Message” please click that to view all content. Or view the content on our website here.
Dates and Events this Week
Tuesday, November 5
- Election Day
- RDL Application Deadline, 5 pm.
Thursday, November 7
- Workshop: Chatbots, LRC please register (see below)
Friday, November 8
- CHESS Course and Curriculum Committee Meeting (Defense of LANG proposals)
Looking Ahead Dates and Events Fall 2024
November 11
- Veteran’s Day, no classes
November 14
- Personally Speaking: Personally Speaking: “Immigration and Mass Incarceration: Another American Tradition”, 4:00 to 6:30 pm, J. Murrey Atkins Library, Halton Room; Learn More; Registration link to come.
November 18
- Deadline to submit proposals for SEACS: SEACS 2025 Paper and Panel Proposal Form
November 18-22
- International Education Week, submit proposals: via OIP website
- November 18, Film Screening by Nihon Club (see below)
November 22
- Tentative Department Meeting
November 25
- Nominations due for the Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence (tenured faculty) and the UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence (non-tenure track faculty) Complete the online nomination form
November 27-28
- Thanksgiving Break
December 4
- Last Day of classes
December 5
- Reading Day, Department Meeting, Retirement Celebration for Carol
December 13
- Commencement
December 16
- Grades due
Congratulations to Chris Mellinger for the publication of The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting and Cognition published by Routledge (464 pp). A copy has been placed in our display case in the Atrium.
Important Information for Faculty and Staff
Retirement Party
Mandatory Trainings
Title IX and IT Security training for all University faculty and staff must be completed by Thursday, Oct. 31, and can be accessed through the learning and development portal.
Upcoming Health Clinics
The next flu clinic is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 31, in the UREC lobby. A COVID-19 booster clinic also will be Thursday at the Waddell Center for Student Health and Wellbeing. Sign up for both on the student health website.
Junior Faculty Development Awards and CHESS Reassignment of Duties
The Junior Faculty Development Awards and CHESS Reassignment of Duties applications are due by 5 pm on November 4, 2024. Please be sure to email all completed applications to
Upcoming Events
International Education Week – Nihon Club: Film Screening
SEACS 2025
Use this form to submit a paper or panel proposal: SEACS 2025 Paper and Panel Proposal Form. For more information, visit or email I encourage everyone to submit a proposal and also to work with graduate and advanced undergraduate students to submit a proposal.
The College is seeking brief proposals to bring individuals to campus, who work on issues of social relevance and/or human rights, for the Witness in Residence Initiative. “Witnesses” are asked to share their stories about the issue, based on personal experience, and will be financially sponsored by the Dean’s Office, such as in this sample. The host department will provide stewardship and coordinate with the witness to engage students in discussion about the topic. The process of submitting an idea is short and sweet. It is also an opportunity for the Department to highlight its programming to the University and greater Charlotte communities.
Anyone can submit! Your suggestions for Spring 2025 are requested by November 30 for an residency tentatively scheduled for the week of 4/14. However, you are encouraged to submit whenever you encounter an interesting candidate and all themes are invited. For the Spring we are especially interested in a theme that is global and/or within the social/environmental sciences, to balance the recent local/humanities perspective. Please also send ideas for next fall.
UNC Charlotte-Ginkgo Residential Guest Speaker Series: World War I and Its Impact in North Carolina
In 1917, when the United States intervened in the Great War, North Carolinians across the Tar Heel State rushed to contribute “their bit” to America’s domestic mobilization. Heather Perry, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Department of History, will explore that homefront mobilization, and the rippling impacts it left behind in the next UNC Charlotte-Ginkgo Residential Guest Speaker Series, “World War One and its Impact in North Carolina.” The event is presented by the Capitalism Studies Program. From military training and school gardens to the nation’s only internment station for German ‘enemy aliens,’ this talk examines how the First World War helped transition North Carolina from the ‘Old North State’ into the ‘New South.’
- Monday, Nov. 11; 5:30 p.m.; Independent Picture House, 4237 Raleigh Street, Charlotte; Register; Learn More about the Series
- NEW: Our sponsor has provided a grant towards concessions at the event! Come enjoy the full theater experience!
CHESS News and Accomplishments Reporting Form
The college is piloting a News and Accomplishments Reporting Form. The form has two related purposes:
- It helps ensure that Jenn Conway, the College’s Communications Officer, is aware of both newsworthy events — upcoming and recent — and of the rich and diverse range of scholarly and creative accomplishments the faculty produces.
- It provides an optional way for faculty to record scholarly and creative accomplishments as they occur rather than in an end-of-year reporting form.
The form will ask for your name and unit and then has branching logic depending on whether you are sharing news or reporting an accomplishment.
The form is quick to complete and you may submit one item per form, and complete the forms as many times as needed. You may also choose to receive an email back with your responses. For scholarly activity, please complete the form to capture all activities since January 1. Department chairs will have access to all items submitted which may make end-of-year reporting easier.
Thank you for all you do.
All the best,