This Week in LANG 10/21/2024

In this Edition: **Chair Availability this Week: R 10:00am-1:00pm (Zoom) and R 3:30-5:00 pm (Zoom), Workload Policy, SEACS CFP**
Dear colleagues,
I hope you are doing well. I will be out of the office 10/21-10/23 and my response to emails might be a bit slower than typically. I will add additional office hours on Thursday morning. If you need to talk to me this week and cannot find an appointment slot, please email me and I will find a time.
I also would like to let you know that the CAPC has voted on the proposed Workload Policy. It will come to you as a seconded motion and be on the Consent Calendar of the Department Meeting on November 1.
I would like to draw your attention to the deadline for the RDL and Junior Faculty Development Awards, which is November 4 at 5 pm. Please make sure you run your plans by me.
Dates and Events this Week
Wednesday, October 23
- Concur will have new landing page
Friday, October 25
- End of Open Enrollment for Aetna, Information and what to do
- NTT Reappointment and Promotion Workshop, 3:00-4:30 pm, email Syreeta Taylor
Looking Ahead Dates and Events Fall 2024
November 1
- Department Meeting
- Dean’s First Friday at Armored Cow Brewing
November 4
- RDL Application Deadline, 5 pm.
November 11
- Veteran’s Day, no classes
November 14
- Personally Speaking: Personally Speaking: “Immigration and Mass Incarceration: Another American Tradition”, 4:00 to 6:30 pm, J. Murrey Atkins Library, Halton Room; Learn More; Registration link to come.
November 18
- Deadline to submit proposals for SEACS: SEACS 2025 Paper and Panel Proposal Form
November 18-22
- International Education Week, submit proposals: via OIP website
November 22
- Tentative Department Meeting
November 25
- Nominations due for the Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence (tenured faculty) and the UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence (non-tenure track faculty) Complete the online nomination form
November 27-28
- Thanksgiving Break
December 4
- Last Day of classes
December 5
- Reading Day, Department Meeting, End of Semester Party and Retirement Celebration for Carol
December 13
- Commencement
December 16
- Grades due
Congratulations to Allison Stedman who published a modern French critical edition of the Countess de Murat’s feminist leisure novel The Sprites of Kernosy Castle (1710) with the prestigious French academic press, Classiques Garnier. (The edition is co-authored with her deceased colleague, the late Perry Gethner).
Congratulations to David Boyd whose translation of The Factory by Hiroko Oyamada (Granta Books, 2024) has been longlisted for the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation (
Important Information for Faculty and Staff
Junior Faculty Development Awards and CHESS Reassignment of Duties
The Junior Faculty Development Awards and CHESS Reassignment of Duties applications are due by 5 pm on November 4, 2024. Please be sure to email all completed applications to
Workload Policies
Please find here the approved CHESS Draft Workload policy. For reference, please see here the current LANG Workload Policy. Here is the Draft LANG Workload policy.
Workload Policy Timeline
October CAPC works with feedback
November 1 Department Meeting Final Vote on Workload Policy
Upcoming Events
SEACS 2025
Use this form to submit a paper or panel proposal: SEACS 2025 Paper and Panel Proposal Form. For more information, visit or email I encourage everyone to submit a proposal and also to work with graduate and advanced undergraduate students to submit a proposal.
Concur Update and Forum
The Concur homepage will feature a new default landing page starting Wednesday, Oct. 23. The Concur User Forum will be held at 10 a.m., Thursday, Oct. 24; register in the learning and development portal.
NTT Faculty Promotion and Reappointment Workshops
The College will be offering a Zoom workshop on NTT Promotion and Reappointment, on Friday, October 25 (3:00-4:30 pm). If you would like to attend this session, please email Syreeta Taylor to receive the invitation.
CTI Seminar
Are you interested in sharing your research with a broader audience? Do you care about public education? Do you see PK-12 teachers as allies in your work? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then consider submitting a seminar proposal idea for the Charlotte Teachers Institute (CTI) lineup of 2025 seminars. CTI is an educational partnership among UNC Charlotte, Johnson C. Smith University, and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) to strengthen teaching and learning through collaboration, creativity, leadership, and content knowledge. CMS teachers in grades PK-12 apply to participate in professor-led seminars based on research and teaching interests with the goal of creating original curricula for CMS students. To date, 950+ CTI Fellows have written more than 1,250 original curriculum units, all available on CTI’s website. Check out CTI’s website for more information, including testimonials from teachers, professors, and funders. CLICK HERE to submit your ideas. Please submit your ideas by Monday, 18 November 2024. CTI Director Scott Gartlan will be in touch following submission to discuss next steps. Each submission will receive a follow up email to set up a meeting. Feel free to contact Dr. Gartlan at
Planning for Spring Witness in Residence
The Spring Witness in Residence will be here before we know it, so please begin thinking about how you might enrich the themed courses program and watch here for the next request for proposals. Our (excellent!) Fall event just focused on a local witness within the humanities–so we are especially interested in witnesses that are global and/or focussed in the social sciences. Questions? Please schedule a consultation
Graduate Program Director for the Women’s and Gender Studies Program
The Women’s and Gender Studies Program seeks a Graduate Program Director (GPD) to oversee its Graduate Certificate in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies for a three-year renewable term beginning July 1, 2025. This is a nine-month appointment with one course release per year and an administrative stipend to cover summer responsibilities. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline and be a current full-time faculty member in the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences (CHESS). More information about the position and application process is attached.
Thank you for all you do.
All the best,