This Week in LACS 3/18/2024

In this Edition: **Chair Office Hours Changes: T 11-1, W 1-3 virtual only, R 11-1, Election Week: DRC TT, Middle East on the Move – Consortium Conference, CHESS Dean Candidate 2 Presentation, Aliaga-Buchenau Witness in Residence, Languages in Action Speaker Series **
Dates and Events this Week
March is Women’s History Month.
Election Week: DRC TT 2024-25
Monday, March 18
- Faculty Forum for Promotion to Full Professor, 3:00-5:00 pm, Cone 314/Lucas Room (Register)
Tuesday, March 19
- Self-Nominations and Nominations for DRC TT 2024-25 due 5 pm
Wednesday, March 20
- Ballot for DRC TT 2024-25 sent out
- UNC Charlotte’s Celebration of International Women’s Day
Thursday, March 21
- 1:30-2:45 pm, CHESS Dean Candidate 2, Presentation, Popp Martin Student Union Movie Theater
Friday, March 22
- Vote due for DRC TT 2024-25 8 am
- Announcement of DRC TT 24-25 membership
- Deadline to apply for a Preceptors or PAL
- Middle East on the Move – Consortium Conference
March 23
Looking Ahead
Dates and Events
March 25
- Application deadline for OIP’s Global Learning and Internationalization Institute.
March 26,
- Languages in Action Speaker Series, Aimee Benavides, Register below.
March 26-29
- OIP Hosts Inaugural Faculty Fulbright Week
March 27
- 1:30-2:45 pm, CHESS Dean Candidate 3, Presentation, Popp Martin Student Union Movie Theater
March 29
- No classes – Refresh Weekend
LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI– Manuel Pérez-Quiñones, “Conversational Systems and AI”, 2:30-3:30 pm, LRC andZoomCanceled – due to Refresh Weekend
March 31
April 1
- Faculty Achievement Recognition Celebration
- Inaugural Education Abroad Faculty Award Celebration, 1:00 pm, Halton Reading Room, RSVP by the end of March.
April 2
- 4:30-5:30 pm, Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau Witness in Residence, “If Only You Knew: The Experience of Being an Immigrant Teacher,” Fretwell 113. Please Register Here
April 12
- Department Meeting 2:30-4:00 pm, LRC
April 19
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Bobby Hobgood, “AI in the Language Classroom”, 2:30-3:30 pm, LRC and Zoom
April 30
- Department Meeting 10:30 am-12:00 pm, Party 12:00-2:00 pm
May 1
- Deadline to submit Book Orders for Fall 2024 here
May 4,
- CATI Conference, 8:00-5:00 pm, Cone Center, Sign up here
May 11,
RSVP for the Commencement Ceremony you plan to attend
- CHESS Commencement, 10:00 am, Halton Arena
- Graduate School Commencement, 3:00 pm, Halton Arena
May 13-17
- OIP’s GLII Institute
May 15
Congratulations to David Dalton for publication of the article “Change or Empathy in Mexico’s #MeToo: Between Catharsis and Transformative Performance” in the Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies (vol. 27, 2023, pp. 7-23).
Congratulations to Anton Pujol for the publication of the article “The Theater of Angélica Liddell: Staging the Limit” in the Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies (vol. 27, 2023, pp. 167-179). Congratulations also to Anton Pujol for giving the invited presentation “A Conversation with Playwright Paco Bezerra and his Translator Anton Pujol and the publication of Plays By Paco Bezerra. Cutting Edge Spanish Theatre” at Segal Talks. HowlRound Theatre Commons at Emerson College on March 13, 2024.
Congratulations to David Boyd whose translation of Toh EnJoe’s Harlequin Butterfly was published on February 29 with Pushkin Press.
Congratulations to Javier García León, Olga Padilla-Falto and Paloma Fernández Sánchez for submitting an Inclusive Excellence Grant proposal titled “Inclusive Spaces: Attending to the Needs of Heritage Language Speakers and L2 Spanish Learners in Mixed Classrooms. A Charlotte Initiative.”( $10,500. Submitted on March 11, 2024).
Congratulations to Daniela Dal Pra for leading a successful Spring Break Trip to Italy. Here are a few pictures:

Possagno, Canovian Neiclassic Temple

Asiago Cheese factory
University of Padua, monument of Elena Cornaro Piscopia, first graduated woman in the world

Fornace Orsoni, last artistic mosaics factory in Venice.
Announcements and Updates
Three candidates for the Founding Dean of the College of Humanities & Earth and Social will give presentations to the campus community. Please, if possible, plan to attend the candidate presentations.
Thursday, March 14, 1:30-2:45 pm, Popp Martin Student Union Movie Theater
Thursday, March 21, 1:30-2:45 pm, Popp Martin Student Union Movie Theater
Wednesday, March 27, 1:30-2:45 pm, Popp Martin Student Union Movie Theater
Candidate names will be announced closer to the interview dates and will be posted on the CHESS Dean search webpage.
Preceptors and Peer Assisted Learning PAL
Please visit Fall 2024 Faculty Application for Peer Leader Funding for the fall 2024 faculty application for peer leader (preceptor and peer assisted learning “PAL”) funding. The deadline to submit an application is March 22, 2024.
Middle East on the Move Conference
Please join us for the upcoming Consortium Conference “The Middle East on the Move: Migration, Diaspora, and Belonging” on March 22-23. You can register for the conference at this link.

Inaugural Fulbright Week:
The Office of International Programs is pleased to introduce the inaugural Faculty Fulbright Week, to be held from March 26 to March 29. The events include a webinar facilitated by the Institute of International Education (IIE) aimed at potential faculty applicants, a lunch and learn with former faculty Fulbright alumni, an informal round table discussion with presenters who have experienced living abroad as Fulbrighters, as well as a Zoom meeting for chairs to discuss strategies to incorporate Fulbright experience in faculty’s promotion and tenure and increase interest of faculty in Fulbright activities. Learn More

The Dean’s Office staff is busy preparing for the 2024 Faculty Achievement Recognition Celebration scheduled for April 1 from 11:30 a.m to 1 p.m. Along with the Teaching Awards, they will be recognizing the publication of books and digital products published in calendar year 2023, as well as internal and external honors for AY24.
Nominations for Dubois Award for Accessibility Improvement
Nominate a faculty or staff member for the Dubois Award for Accessibility Improvement, which recognizes outstanding employees outside the field of disability services who demonstrate exemplary support of or work in accessibility at Charlotte. Nominations are due by Friday, March 29.
Scholarship for Leadership Development
Human resources learning and organizational development announces applications for scholarships to attend the Leadership Development Program offered through the Center for Creative Leadership. The deadline to submit applications is Monday, March 25.
Reminder: Environmental Health and Safety Compliance Training
The required annual Environmental Health and Safety Compliance Training must be completed by Sunday, March 31.
Spring Aliaga-Buchenau Witness in Residence
Faculty for the General Education-themed courses: Please consider sending your students to the Spring Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau Witness in Residence Initiative on April 2 at 4:30 p.m. “If Only You Knew: The Experience of Being an Immigrant Teacher”
Astrid “Emily” Francis found herself as the head of household in Guatemala at age 13, supporting and raising her siblings after her mother migrated to the United States. Eventually she guided her siblings through the arduous journey north, arriving as unaccompanied and undocumented minors who spoke no English. At the time, Francis had a 6th grade education.
Now, she is a dual alumna of UNC Charlotte and a nationally-recognized teacher who speaks at venues nationwide to raise awareness of the challenges faced by many children who are new to the United States. She was recognized on “The Ellen Show” for her outstanding work with these children, and is the author of If You Only Knew: Letters from an Immigrant Teacher. Please register here.
Languages in Action Speaker Series
Please register for the first Languages in Action Speaker. Aimee Benavides, a Federally-Certified Court Certified Interpreter, will talk about “Interpreting in the U.S.: Practical tips for a Successful Career as a Professional Interpreter.”

Thank you for all you do.
All the best,
Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau