This Week in LACS 12/4/2023

Dates and Events this Week
December 3
- Deadline to submit a paper or panel for SEACS extended.
December 4-6
December 7
- Faculty/Staff Discount Day at Barnes & Noble Campus Store
- 10:30 am – 12:00 pm. Department Meeting, Harris Alumni Center
- 12:00 – 2:00 pm. Harris Alumni Center | Department Celebration | Join us to celebrate 53 years of service to UNC Charlotte by Dr. Robert Reimer, whose last semester is ending this month. Lunch will be provided. If you wish, bring a dessert to share and exchange.
December 8
- 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, Launch Center for Migration and Diaspora Studies
Looking Ahead
Dates and Events
December 15
- 3:00 pm. Fall Commencement ceremony. Please RSVP which ceremony you plan to attend this year.
- Applications for Summer Institute on Translation & Global Literacy.
December 19
- Zoom Phone Migration
January 12, 2024
- Nomination for Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professorship in Teaching
- Nomination for Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
January 26, 2024
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Matteo Di Michele, “AI and Ethics”, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, LRC and Zoom
February 16, 2024
- SEACS Conference, 4th floor Mebane Hall
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Chris Mellinger and Jeff Killman, “AI in the Language Industry”, 12:30 – 2:00 pm, panel at SEACS, LRC and Zoom
February 17, 2024
- SEACS Conference continues, 4th floor Mebane Hall
February 22-23, 2024
- 10:00 am – 6:00 pm. 2024 Heritage Language Learning Symposium, Register
March 29, 2024
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Manuel Perez-Quinones, “Conversational Systems and AI”, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, LRC and Zoom
April 19, 2024
- LACS Presentation Series – Conversations about AI – Bobby Hobgood, “AI in the Language Classroom”, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, LRC and Zoom
Congratulations to Allison Stedman for submitting an NEH Scholarly Editions and Translations Grant for ‘Stories from “Le Mercure Galant”: A Bilingual Digital Critical Anthology’. The grant is for $150,000.00. Congratulations also for her publication « Le rôle de la poésie dans la société mondaine de la fin du XVIIe siècle ». In Le Poète et le joueur de quilles: Enquête sur la construction de la poésie (XIVe-XXIe siècles), ed. by Olivier Gallet, Adeline Lionetto, Stéphane Loubère, Laure Michel and Thierry Roger, 169-178. Mont-Saint-Aignan, France: Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre (PURH).
Congratulations to Carlos Coria-Sanchez for presenting “El impacto (o no) del movimiento feminista mexicano de los 70s y 80s.” Popular Cultural Association Conference, April 5-9, 2023, San Antonio, TX. Kudos also to Carlos for submitting an application for IDST funding to complete research for the book: The Mexican Feminist Movement: A Men’s Perspective and Praxis.
Congratulations to Chris Mellinger for his publication “ASTM and ISO Standards in U.S. Legal Language Services: Questions of Professionalization and Language Access.” Digital Translation 10(2): 133–156. In addition, kudos for three invited presentations: “The Act of Translation: Cognitive and Contextual Influences.” Southwest Agricultural University, China. Online. November 6, 2023; “Principles of Translation Evaluation.” Southwest Agricultural University, China. Online. November 27, 2023; and “Quantifying Translation and Interpreting: Data and Methods.” Jaume I University, Spain. Online. November 30, 2023. Congratulations also to Chris for being Chair of the Scientific Committee in 2024 for the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association (ATISA), New Brunswick, NJ.
Congratulations to Javier García León for giving the invited presentation “Current Debates and Strategies on Inclusive and Non-binary Language. The Case of Spanish” at the Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters Webinar, online, on December 2, 2023.
Congratulations to Paloma Fernández Sánchez for participating in the CTCM 2530 Teaching Academy (Summer 23, 6 weeks long/virtual) and CxC Communication-enhanced Teaching Academy (Summer ‘23, weeks long/virtual) at UNC Charlotte.
Congratulations to Ryan Augustyniak for attending the following workshops and academies: Using Feedback to Improve Teaching & Learning Workshop, Heritage Language Learning Symposium Workshop, Supporting Student Study Skills in the Age of A.I., Education Abroad New Faculty Program Development Workshop, Enhancing Cultural Awareness Training, Self-Determination Theory & Language-Learning, Workshop on Banner, Communication-Enhanced Teaching Academy, Career Competency Institute and the Theme Course Teaching Academy, at UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC and the Content-Based Language Learning Institute. Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota. In addition, kudos to Ryan for attending the following conferences: Women’s Words: Caribbean Worlds. Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida and the Southeastern Association of Cultural Studies (SEACS), UNC Charlotte Charlotte, NC. Black Studies and the Abolitionist University, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC.
Congratulations to Susana Cisneros and Laura Viale who participated in the Día de Gracias event, hosted by DALE and NASA and attended by members of the Latinx Hispanic Faculty and Staff Caucus. Four of the students who attended were part of the FIT HLX cohort taught by Susana before the beginning of the semester. During dinner, the students were curious about how to declare a Spanish minor or where to take the Placement Test.

Congratulations to Fang-yi Chao and the Chinese Club, for hosting the event “Chinese Leisure Activities with CUSA” to introduce Chinese Leisure activities, including Chinese games, tea tasting, and Tai Chi to the campus community. The participants learned about Chinese leisure activities and enjoyed a relaxing evening.

Congratulations to Yukiko Yokono and the Japanese Program for organizing two successful recruiting events for Japanese students. On October 25 ALTIA Central gave an information session on recruiting English teachers in Japan and on November 2,11 students who had studied abroad in Japan in the academic year 2022-2023 gave a presentation to current students in the Japanese program about their experiences in Japan.
Announcements & Updates
Commencement Requirement
As per University policy, all full-time faculty are expected to attend at least one ceremony annually. UNC Charlotte’s Faculty Council greatly encourages your
participation in this important part of the University’s ceremonial life. Please indicate via the RSVP form which ceremony you plan to attend this academic year.
Search Update
The top three candidates have been invited for campus interviews in January. The interviews will be January 23, 25 and 27. More information on the candidates and a request to sign up for supporting the candidates during their itineraries will be shared by the Search Committee Chair, Jeff Killman.
The Dean’s office will move forward with three Associate Deans: Faculty Affairs, Research and Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Student and Curriculum. More information on the search processes will be forthcoming.
ZOOM Phones
The campus is moving to Zoom Phone on Tuesday, Dec. 19. Read this important go-live information to help you prepare. More at the Department Meeting.
Asynchronous Syllabus Workshop
Get a head start on your spring 2024 syllabus; sign up now for this three-day, asynchronous, facilitated workshop from the Center for Teaching and Learning from Dec. 4-6.
Barnes & Noble Charlotte Discount
Barnes & Noble Charlotte invites faculty and staff to shop in-store for their holiday gifts Thursday, Dec. 7. You’ll receive 30% off with your 49er ID. This discount cannot be combined with other offers.
Banner Information
Please find answers to questions about the new Banner Self Service that were provided by the registrar during Drop-In Sessions in November.
Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs
This position reports to the Provost and will be responsible for leading institutional strategies aimed at supporting faculty success. The associate provost will focus on faculty professional development and support. Learn more about the position and how to apply. Application materials are due by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. The position is expected to start summer 2024, with onboarding starting in spring 2024. Questions about the new role or application process can be directed to Leslie Zenk, Associate Provost and Chief of Staff in the Office of Academic Affairs, at
Student Accomplishments
Japanese Major Gabrielle Bryant had her Honors Undergraduate thesis on the metamorphosis of ecofeminism in Japan accepted into the 2024 Japan Studies Association’s research conference in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Spanish Major Matthew Levecque, who has been a communication consultant for 3 semesters with Susana Cisneros and one semester with Maria Mahaffey was appointed as Communication Consultant peer mentor.
Alumnus Andrew Gibbs, former Japanese major, came and met with students in the Japanese program giving an information session on life with a Japanese Degree.
All the best,
Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau