This Week in LACS 9/5/2023

It is September, Labor Day has come and gone, and it feels like Fall outside. I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
News on College Name- Updated
The Dean notified all faculty and staff that the new name will now have the ampersand after Humanities and the word “and” between “Earth” and “Social Sciences.” So we are going to be the College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences. The abbreviation for our college will be CHESS.
Dates and Events this Week
Wednesday, September 6,
- 9:00-11:00 Chair Office Hours (instead of 1:00-3:00)
- 2:00-3:00 DRC TT First Meeting Zoom
Friday, September 8
- 12:30-2:00 Graduate Faculty Meeting COED 037
- 2:30-4:00 Department Meeting LRC
Please see here the Preliminary Department Meeting Agenda
Please review the NTT Reappointment and Promotion Policy for
Looking Ahead:
- Wednesday, September 13, 2:00-4:30 Critical Service-Learning Workshop 1 (Registration)
- Friday, September 15, Early Alerts due for all 1000/2000 level courses
- Saturday, September 23, Ifest is back!
- October 28, due date for FRG Proposals (submit via Niner Research)
- November, 6, due date Reassignment of Duties/Junior Faculty Development Award files
Departmental Election Results
You elected the members of the Merit Advisory Committee, which is now up and running. Thank you to Michèle Bissière, Enika Banerjee, Noha Ghali, Phil Kaffen and Kai Werbeck for serving on this committee. The graduate faculty elected the Graduate Committee. Thank you to David Dalton, Jeff Killman and Mónica Rodríguez who will serve on this committee. In addition, you elected Shaun Stone to fill the open seat on the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. Thank you to Susanne Gomoluch, David Boyd and Shaun Stone for serving on this committee. I would also like to thank Susanne Gomoluch and Anton Pujol, who are stepping in as representative and alternate for the University Faculty Council in Fall 2023 because our elected representative and alternate teach at the time of the meetings. For details on these committees see the Department Bylaws. For a list of committees and members please see the list of Department Committees 2023-24.
Congratulations to Chris Mellinger, who together with Vladimir Balakhonov published the peer-reviewed article “Developing and Using an Ad Hoc Corpus to Teach Specialized Interpreting: A Case Study of German Embassy Speeches” in CLINA Revista Interdisciplinaria De Traducción Interpretación Y Comunicación Intercultural 9(2): 135–159.
Kudos also to Chris Mellinger for publishing the peer reviewed book chapter Mellinger, Christopher D. 2023. “Translation and Interpreting in Bilingual and Monolingual Communities.” In Routledge Handbook of Translation, Interpreting, and Bilingualism, ed. by John Schwieter and Aline Ferreira, 314–327. New York: Routledge.
Congratulations to Sandra Watts for publishing the article “Against All Odds? Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Asynchronous Courses: Lessons Learned from the Student Experience Project.” UNC System Learning and Technology Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, 2023.
The University will begin replacing Microsoft Office 2019 with the latest version of Microsoft 365 on University owned Windows devices. Microsoft is moving away from version based software to the continually updated Microsoft 365.
Action Item: Please upgrade on your Windows device to Microsoft 365 by Dec 31, 2023. Mac users will not see any change and will not need to install Microsoft 365.
University Policy 601.1 was recently updated to include a requirement that all University employees be assigned a University phone number to ensure operational integrity. The majority of the campus will be moved on December 19, 2023 and the remaining numbers will be moved in January 2024. There will be two Townhalls October 19 (register) and October 24 (register)and Trainings will be announced soon.
Since none of our faculty currently have phone numbers, you will need to have a phone number before you can use a Zoom phone.
Wednesday, September 13, 2:00-4:30 urbanCore is inviting faculty who want to connect students and Charlotte communities to the first in a series of four workshops focused on Critical Service Learning Critical Service-Learning Workshop 1. Please click here to register.
The French Club is offering a presentation about Study Abroad by the Office of Education Abroad this Wednesday 5:30-6:30 in COED 419. The French program also offers a Pause Cafe on Thursday mornings in the Atrium. The German Club will host the weekly Kaffeeklatsch (coffee hour) meeting on Wednesdays at 3 behind the Student Union.
Wishing you all a good third week of classes.
All the best
Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau