This week in LACS 9/11/2023

Happy Monday, I hope you have had a relaxing weekend.
Dates and Events this Week
- Monday, September 11, 9:00-10:00 am Workshop: “How to Study a Language” LRC
- Tuesday, September 12
- due date for CTI Proposals
- 11:00 am-12:30 pm (Fretwell 430C): Interest meeting for Digital Humanities Working Group, RSVP
- 12:00 pm Unsatisfactory Midterm Grades for First Half Term Courses due
- Friday, September 15, Early Alerts due for all 1000/2000 level courses; see the CONNECT Faculty Best Practices. These are different from the 8 week mid semester reports due in Banner on October 13. Both of these initiatives help our students engage with the class or withdraw from them before the withdrawal deadline of October 19.
Looking Ahead
- September 16, Updated Self-Service Banner goes live
- September 18, Constitution and Citizenship Day, 11:15-12:30 pm Lucas Room
- September 19, 3:30-5:00 pm (Atkins 125): Brainstorming workshop for Digital Humanities Working Group, RSVP
- September 20, 1:00-4:00 pm in Cameron 125, Writing Resources Center Open House
- Saturday, September 23, Ifest is back!
- October 9-15, Niner Nation Week
- October 20, due date for Aliaga-Buchenau Witness in Residence proposals
- October 28, due date for FRG Proposals (submit via Niner Research)
- November, 6, due date Reassignment of Duties/Junior Faculty Development Award files
- November 14, 12:00-1:00 pm Fretwell 290B or Zoom link
Brown Bag: Imagining Latinidad: Digital diasporas and community building among Latin American migrants -by David Dalton
Congratulations to Jeff Killman who was invited for a plenary “Sitios web de franquicias norteamericanas de comida rápida en España: ¿Traducciones rápidas o localización?” InTraCommerce (Text, Context and Interculturality in International Trade Communication) at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville, Spain in May 2023.
Kudos to Chris Mellinger for publishing a peer reviewed article “Incorporating Translation and Interpreting into the Business Language Classroom.” Global Business Languages 23: 58–73.
Congratulations to Allison Stedman for her peer-reviewed book chapter « Le rôle de la poésie dans la société mondaine de la fin du XVIIe siècle ». In Le Poète et le joueur de quilles: Enquête sur la construction de la poésie (XIVe-XXIe siècles), ed. by Olivier Gallet, Adeline Lionetto, Stéphane Loubère, Laure Michel and Thierry Roger, 169-178. Mont-Saint-Aignan, France: Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre (PURH).
Congratulations also to Chris Mellinger for publishing a peer reviewed book chapter Embedding, Extending, and Distributing Interpreter Cognition with Technology.” In Interpreting Technologies: Current and Future Trends, ed. by Gloria Corpas Pastor and Bart Defrancq, 195–216.
Kudos also to Jeff Killman for publishing a “Book Review: Ruggiero, Diana (2022). Teaching World Languages for Specific Purposes: A Practical Guide. Georgetown University Press, pp. 121” in the Revista de lenguas para fines específicos 29: 177-181.
Congratulations to our own Phil Kaffen, who is honored by the Office of the Provost along with the other newly tenured faculty promoted to associate professor and the 26 faculty promoted to professor. View a digital display of their scholarly and creative work on the Office of the Provost website.
CHESS – Update from Interim Dean Smail
“Under no circumstances should any communication — email, letter, etc — go out with any reference to CLAS.
- Where that involves text or images that you have created please be vigilant.
- Where that involves logos or brand marks that have been created for us please send the communication out without any branding. […]
- If either of the above is impossible, then DON’T SEND IT OUT”
Update to Banner Self-Service
Self-Service Banner will be updated and is going live on September 16. The new look will be easier to navigate and more mobile friendly. Please see this Self-Service Banner Information for an introduction to new features and the new look. We will organize a workshop in the department upon request.
CfP – Witness in Residence
The College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences is seeking proposals for the Spring 2024 Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau WITNESS IN RESIDENCE program with the goal of fostering reasoned, informed, and meaningful campus conversations on complex social issues. This RFP invites faculty who are teaching a General Education Theme course to propose a witness in residence to bring to campus for a 2-3 day visit during the spring semester. Please see the RFP for further details about submission. The Deadline is October 20, 2023.
CfP – Charlotte Teacher Institute
Consider submitting a seminar proposal idea for the Charlotte Teachers Institute (CTI) lineup of 2024 seminars. CTI is an educational partnership among UNC Charlotte, Johnson C. Smith University, and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) to strengthen teaching and learning through collaboration, creativity, leadership, and content knowledge. CMS teachers in grades PK-12 apply to participate in professor-led seminars based on research and teaching interests with the goal of creating original curricula for CMS students. Check out CTI’s website for more information, including the commitment to racial equity and testimonials from teachers, professors, and funders. CLICK HERE to submit your ideas. Please submit your ideas by Tuesday, 12 September 2023.
Call for Self-Nomination- Faculty Fellow Positions
Dr. Lance Barton, Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, currently has a few Faculty Fellow positions available: one to help with reimagining the Journal and finding a path forward and 2 to organize and lead a faculty learning community on curricular structures that embed UR (such as course-based UR experiences or CUREs).
Call for Self-Nomination – Language Exchange Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the UNC Language Assembly needs self-nominations for 4 new members elected by the UNC Language chairs later in September. In particular they are seeking representation in French, German, and Asian Languages. If you are interested, please email Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau.
Digital Humanities Working Group
Charlotte researchers are exploring faculty interest in forming an interdisciplinary team to apply for a Digital Humanities Advancement Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. An interest session is held on Tuesday, September 12, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in FRET 430C and a brainstorming session is held Tuesday, September 19, 3:30 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. in Atkins 125. Please RSVP for one or both of these gatherings if you are interested in being part of this conversation.
All the best,
Anabel Aliaga-Buchenau